Thick & Tame Curls
Hair being the most important thing in my life. Yes, that's exactly accurate. We are Afro-Jewish and have thick, wavy hair. People claim straightening your hair is bad for your hair, but we still manage to look great! Our hair is all we need to pull off an outfit or compensate for other things for certain people. Their hair can make or break a day for women in general. It may also be a way to communicate how they feel. Does the head that wears the hair have a large weight to it? Nevertheless, with such a strong weapon of self-expression comes a corresponding amount of responsibility. Women deal with a variety of hair problems, including dandruff, hair loss, dryness, itching, and more. Branded shampoos, in my honest view, do more harm than good. As a result of this, women choose natural treatments over chemical-laden products. If you have dry and itchy hair that will not budge, here is a solution. I make an essential oil mixture by mixing equal amounts Bergamot and Cypress. I typically only use a few drops, but if I'm having a poor hair day, I add a few more drops of both oils. The following step is a thorough massage and a lot of relaxation. However, several people I've advised this method to stated it benefited them as well.
Magical Blend For My Peers
I call it the “Bergamot-Cypress” oil blend because those are the main notes I get when I smell it. I also add a tiny bit of Ylang Ylang to the blend to make it a little more euphoric. You know what I noticed, people around me gotten more friendlier and I got happier as well. Besides, my main purpose was to fix my tame and dry hair. Now I felt my curls had ease with a softer touch in texture....
More Tips
Finally! Another tip I have for women with dry hair is to use a wide tooth comb instead of a normal one. This will help you detangle your hair without causing further damage. If you have long hair, you can tie it up into a high bun or a low ponytail, so the ends are out of the way. In the shower, part your hair down the middle and brush through it gently. Make sure first to massage Bergamot and Cypress blend with some coconut or argon oils as a carrier oil, rub your hair thoroughly before you start combing your hair. It is amazing how much more manageable and the style you want can actually be set and stay for longer than usual. I can go on and on about the amazing quality for these essential oils for curly hair. As far as using essential oils recipes for black hair growth, you're on the right spot.
Accordingly, I have included a few links at the bottom of this newsletter which will take you to some of the many websites that sell this very effective natural product. I usually start with: What is the best essential oil for hair growth? Then more times, I've got one more tip for women with dry hair which is to avoid using heat whenever possible. This includes blow dryers, curling irons, flat irons, etc. Use them when you have to; however, only use them as a last resort. Heat dries out your hair and that is what makes it weaker.
Again, I am constantly researching for more essential oil recipe for hair loss and essential oils for dry brittle hair. I am also writing another article about which essential oil is good for dry hair, I will release them here when it is complete.
Make Comparison First
I read lots of online reviews lavender essential oil for hair and rosemary essential oil for hair growth as well. There are even information available on essential oil for ingrown hair. But, Bergamot and Cypress are still my favorite mix. Out of these links I include, I've bought oils from all of them. I think Doterra and Young Living Brands are very expensive for the same oils that are available out in the market. But I heard that they spent millions every year to buy ads. I felt like a idiot paying for advertisement not solely the actual oil that works. Mountain Roses on the other hand has a stronger smell but the prices are also quite high. One time, I saw my mom using this retro looking bottle for her sleep. It shows the brand RETROMASS, so I looked online and actually found that they carry both of the oils that I use for my hair so I ordered them immediately. I must say, their oil quality is as good as Mountain Roses if not better, but the prices I paid is almost 30% less than other brands with heavy advertising spending.
I bought oils from: www.doterra.com www.youngliving.com www.mountainroses.com
My favorite brand: www.retromass.com